Safe Depositary is one of the units of the “Daev Plaza” Limited Liability Company that performs its activities in accordance with the Russian law. Safe deposit boxes are provided for use and lease through rental agreement. Rent of safe deposit boxes being not included in the exhaustive list of banking operations that are subject to licensing requirements according to Paragraph 5 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activity”, it is actually not a banking operation. Thus, LLC “Daev Plaza” has a legitimate right to dispose of the safe depositary it owns.
“Daev Plaza” safe depositary offers safe and secure place for valuable storage – individual safety deposit boxes.
“Daev Plaza” safe depositary is:
— individual approach to each client;
multilevel security system;
modern equipment;
full service;
high-quality service;
full confidentiality.
Safety deposit boxes are let on lease to physical and legal persons for storage of documents, electronic materials, valuable and other property except for objects prohibited for free circulation. The principal activity of “Daev Plaza” safe depositary is leasing of individual safety deposit boxes to clients carrying purchase and sale of immovable property as a temporary storage place of money equivalent of transaction value (or other condition).
For you:
consulting services of a personal manager;
negotiation rooms equipped with devices for independent recalculation of banknotes and verification of banknote authenticity (ultraviolet);
wide variety of safe deposit boxes;
guaranteed full confidentiality.
→ Sizes of safety deposit boxes

Tariffs for lease of safety deposit boxes
Model documents (are of introductory character; forms are issued while addressing to the safe depositary):

rules of use of individual safety deposit boxes in the safe depositary of “Daev Plaza” LLC at the address: Daev Side Street, 20

Property (safe deposit box) Lease Contract;

Additional Agreement of Safe Access under the condition.
Modern equipment corresponding to standards of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and European standards;
High-level security system;
— Twenty-four-hour guard;
Twenty-four-hour video surveillance.
An individual safe deposit box let on lease is opened by two keys of: a Lessee and a Lessor so it may be opened in presence of both parties only.
For lease of individual safe deposit box it is necessary:
To choose the size of a safe deposit box;
— To precise availability of chosen safe deposit box by phone;
To reserve the necessary number of safe deposit boxes on fixed date and time by phone for use of safe deposit box for immovable property sales transaction;
To conclude a property (safe deposit box) lease contract and, if necessary, an additional agreement of safe access with condition, having a passport;
To pay the services rendered.
Labour Hours:
Monday – Friday 8.00 – 20.00
Saturday, Sunday 10.00 – 15.00
Contact telephones: (495)604-84-84, (495) 604-84-99